Are you ready for change?

Take your first step

Starting your recovery journey with us means gaining the tools and support necessary to rebuild your life. You'll experience the profound benefits of sobriety, such as improved physical and mental health, stronger relationships, and enhanced personal and professional growth. Our strengths-based approach focuses on your values, assets, and strengths, empowering you to create and sustain a meaningful and productive life. Don't wait any longer to take this transformative step—let us help you unlock your potential and achieve lasting recovery

A Peer Recovery Coach at the Center for Recovery and Wellness Resources serves as a personal guide, working to remove barriers and obstacles to recovery. These coaches, who are themselves in long-term recovery, enter into ongoing professional relationships with individuals who are in recovery or considering recovery from substance use disorders. Their goal is to help clients achieve extraordinary results in their personal lives, careers, businesses, or organizations.

Our Recovery Coaches affirm the innate health and wellness within each person in recovery. They believe in your creativity and resourcefulness and do not promote any single method of achieving or maintaining sobriety, abstinence, or serenity. Instead, they focus on coaching you to create and sustain a meaningful and fulfilling life. Using a strengths-based approach, our coaches help you identify and utilize your values, assets, and strengths.

Through the process of Recovery Coaching, you will deepen your learning, improve your performance, and enhance your quality of life. In each session, you will choose the focus of the conversation while your coach listens and provides observations and questions. This interaction will create clarity and move you toward action. Recovery Coaching will accelerate your progress by providing greater focus and awareness of your choices, actions, and responsibilities. Coaching concentrates on where you are now and what you are willing to do to enjoy a better tomorrow.

Recovery Coaching

284 In-Person &
690 Telephone Coachings in 2023

Recovery Housing

At the Center for Recovery and Wellness Resources, we understand that a stable and supportive living environment is crucial for successful recovery. That’s why we offer housing for our participants, providing a drug-free environment that is conducive to recovery, much like a sober home. Our housing program is designed to offer a safe, supportive space where individuals can focus on their recovery journey without the distractions and triggers of their previous environments.

Living in our recovery housing offers numerous benefits. It fosters a sense of community and belonging, as residents share their experiences and support each other through the challenges of recovery. This communal living situation helps build strong, supportive relationships that are vital for maintaining long-term sobriety. Additionally, the structured environment encourages the development of life skills, responsibility, and accountability, which are essential for personal growth and character building. By creating a nurturing and stable home environment, we help our participants build a solid foundation for a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Recovery Pathways

Our Coaches can help you make plans to secure stable housing. Your recovery coach will support you in 3nding housing resources that suit your personal needs. We also offer sober housing for women and men who show an interest in sustaining long term recovery in a safe, drug free environment.  CRWR provides housing and recovery support services ensuring that each person has the opportunity to overcome barriers and help improve their quality of life. Once an initial screening is complete, intake will begin. After intake,  you will be assigned a recovery coach  who helps support your recovery journey and provide a wellness plan. 

  • t the Center for Recovery and Wellness Resources (CRWR), our 12-step meetings are a cornerstone of our recovery program, providing a vital space for participants to share their struggles with addiction and the challenges of adapting to a sober lifestyle. These meetings offer a structured, supportive environment where individuals can openly discuss their experiences, fostering a sense of community and mutual understanding. By voicing their difficulties and hearing from others who face similar issues, participants gain valuable insights and perspectives that can help them navigate their own recovery journeys.

  • Our coaches want to help you plan your recovery path. We will provide resources to recovery support meetings and support groups that 3t your recovery journey. CRWR provides a variety of support groups so you can share your experience, strength, hope and path of recovery with others.  Support groups focus on recovery and coping with alcohol and other drug problems.  If you are newly released or on probation from the criminal justice system we can help you develop a support system to help you maintain sobriety and comply with court mandates.  We also have support groups for people in dual recovery (mental illness/substance use) and for family members.  We are now offering Medicated Assisted Recovery Support groups as well. For a schedule of support groups, view our calendar.

  • CRWR Recovery Coaches will help with any educational needs and 3nding educational resources. We want to help you reach your goals in recovery! We also provide classes for you and your family members educating about alcoholism, addiction, and recovery and its effect on your health, society, and families.  Classes discuss the concept that this is a disease, dual diagnosis (mental illness/substance use), family recovery, relapse prevention, spirituality, and becoming a part of the community.  Ask your Coach about current classes.

  • Part of your recovery plan may need to include activities to secure a job.  Recovery Coaches will help connect you with the resources you need to support yourself.  CRWR is now offering our Recovery Employment Assistance Program (REAP.) We offer job readiness classes, resume writing help, business development, and a clothes closet! and more.  CRWR also has contracts to employ peers in janitorial services and more. Ask us about our job availability today!

At the Center for Recovery and Wellness Resources (CRWR), we understand that reliable transportation is crucial for those in recovery to access the support they need. To ensure our participants can attend 12-step meetings, recovery coaching sessions, and other essential events, we provide a bus service that connects them to these vital resources. This service not only alleviates the stress of navigating transportation logistics but also reinforces the importance of consistency and punctuality in the recovery journey. By offering dependable transportation, we help our participants stay engaged with their recovery programs and maintain their commitment to building a better life.

Additionally, CRWR offers bus passes for the Houston Metro on a case-by-case basis to further support those who may need it. This flexibility ensures that everyone has the opportunity to access our comprehensive range of services, regardless of their personal transportation situation. By addressing transportation challenges, we aim to remove barriers to recovery and promote a seamless integration into a supportive community. Our commitment to providing transportation underscores our holistic approach to recovery, emphasizing that being able to get to where you need to be when you need to be there is a key component of a successful recovery process.


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.