How it all started.
Center for Recovery and Wellness Resources
A brief history.
The Center for Recovery and Wellness Resources (CRWR) is a truly grassroots recovery focused organization for individuals experiencing difficulty with substance use and mental health. We were established with the help of other Recovery Community Organizations in Dallas, Austin, El Paso and in partnership with the Houston Department of Health and Human Services to deliver peer led services. We are the first Recovery Community Organization in Houston Texas, established in 2010 as a 501(c)3. It has been accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Peer Recovery Support Services (CAPRSS) since 2015 and charter member of the National Association of Recovery Community Organizations (ARCO). CRWR is licensed by the State of Texas as an Office Based Opioid Treatment (OBOT) and an intensive/supportive outpatient treatments provider. CRWR is peer-led and governed by a board of individuals in recovery and allies of recovery. CRWR has remained a part of the Houston Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) since the inception in 2012, working together with other organizations to combat substance use and mental health challenges.
We have been instrumental in introducing and expanding the Peer Recovery Support Services (RSS) and Recovery Coach model in Texas and to the Greater Houston Community. We have worked intensively with thousands of people wanting to improve their quality of life through recovery support services and treatment. There is very strong evidence that people in recovery are frequently the most effective advocates and coaches for individuals recovering from substance use disorder. We train Recovery Support Peer Specialist (Recovery Coaches) and Peer Support Supervisors to provide coaching and supervision in treatment centers, hospitals, criminal justice facilities and more.
Our RSS services guide individuals on their recovery journey by offering the skills and support necessary for improved quality of life. Our Peer Specialists focus on non-clinical issues such as housing, employment, navigating drug court and probation requirements and finding treatment and community resources. Through one-on-one relationships, they also help participants engage with the recovery community, including Twelve Step meetings and other support groups. We introduce opportunities for socialization, reintegration and fun in our lives. Our treatment services are done by licensed professionals and opioid treatment support is conducted with our licensed medical director.